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Are You Satisfied with Your Life?

Get Unstuck and Fulfilled through Life Coaching!

Emotional Intelligence

Christian Growth

Marriage Transformation

Do you feel like you're at a dead end?

You know that there is more to life than what you are experiencing, but you just can’t seem to get it for yourself. Most people who try to change their life on their own fail. You don’t have to stay in this place. Together we can help you find what you are missing and get you moving forward to lay hold of the life you want. Sign up for coaching today to get out of the rut!

Get Unstuck

Life coaching gets you moving forward through insights, intentionality, and inspiration.

Create Fulfilling Goals

Discover what kind of accomplishments result in satisfaction and map out your meaningful life.

Achieve & Succeed

Whether it’s your personal life, marriage, or your business, life coaching will empower you to win!

Meet Your Coach

Peter Schrock has worked with tens of thousands of people to transform their lives with his books and app. Now he has pulled his key insights together from reading hundreds of books and completing several coaching certifications in what he calls the Mountain Mover Method. This unique approach combines life coaching, brain science, emotional intelligence, and spiritual formation to empower people to get unstuck and find fulfillment in life. His wide experience successfully working in diverse industries has uniquely positioned him to understand the mountains that block you from your goals. Don’t let the mountains stand in your way. Signing up for life coaching today.

What is Life Coaching?

Coaching uses powerful questions and key insights to help leaders, married couples, and individuals who feel stuck, to shift their perspectives so that they can see the path to conquer their obstacles. Then, it provides motivation and accountability to keep them driving forward until they arrive where they want to be.

Getting Started is Easy!

1. Sign up for Coaching

The Together Transformed’s booking system allows you to schedule a video chat at your own convenience.

2. Insights and Support

Coaching creates intentionality. When this is combined with empowering perspectives, change happens.

3. Meaningful life

Steady forward motion enables us to become who we want to be and brings fulfillment in life.

“Before I started with life coaching I was feeling stuck in my business. Coaching has helped me cut out distractions and gain traction in making key decisions. I am now on track to test the viability of a new venture. Together Transformed can help you find your way forward!”

Scott Peeler

Owner, EleetTech

Marriage coaching has opened our eyes to see how much better our relationship can be. We understand each other better, feel more connected, and are accomplishing things together that we haven’t done before. The insights we have gained have changed our lives! If you want more out of your marriage we totally recommend Together Transformed!”

Alex and Page Day

Peter’s coaching has helped me clarify how to make a decision. He has great insight into how decisions are based on what we actually believe rather than what is the “right” thing to do. His insights into boundaries and priorities have helped me in all areas of my life. If you feel stuck sign up for coaching!

Drew Berkemeyer

Owner, Berkemeyer Concepts

“Having a coach has created intentionality that has truly impacted my life. I was feeling stuck in some of my relationships with friends and God. However, Peter’s Mountain Mover Method helped me see why I was stuck and his coaching has got me moving forward. Highly recommended!”

Derek McMinn

Get Unstuck and Moving!




  • Find Meaning and Purpose
  • Get Out of Debt
  • Improve Your Health
  • Grow in Emotional Intelligence
  • Connect with God




  • Master Communication & Listening
  • Solve Money Conflicts
  • Understand Men & Women
  • Kindle the Flame
  • Premarital Coaching


Explore and Excel

  • Build Leadership Skills
  • Overcome Money Mindsets
  • Develop Your Marketing Messaging
  • Master Planning and Execution
  • Get Expert Technology Advice

Coaching that Works!

The reason people don’t change is that they lack the right system, the right support, and the right accountability. Together Transformed combines these in the Mountain Mover Method™. At the heart our unique approach is our proprietary Belief Builder Blueprint™ which we teach you to use to identify what is driving your behavior and how to change. If you want to live a fulfilling life, but haven’t been able to move forward, the Mountain Mover Method™ will make all the difference.

Sign Up for Our Newsletter!

Peter only takes on new clients by invitation and referral. So, sign up for his newsletter for exclusive opportunities.

Why You Are Stuck - E-book